Offerings Include Courses in Preparing for Birth and Breastfeeding Success

As Rhode Island’s Most Trusted Health Partner, South County Health is excited to launch a free, community-focused educational initiative designed to support patients and caregivers at all stages of pregnancy and early parenthood.

Beginning with our March classes, South County Health’s comprehensive selection of childbirth education and support for expecting and new parents will be available to the community including non-South County Health Obstetric patients as a free resource.

Megin Dalton, MD, Medical Director, Center for Women’s Health says "We are thrilled to offer these childbirth classes to our community at no cost. We recognize the profound health benefits these classes provide, not only to expectant mothers, but to their families and the broader public. South County Health wants to promote healthier pregnancies and foster stronger, more resilient families. By removing financial barriers, we hope to reach and support every expecting parent.”

Last Updated

March 27, 2024