Hospital Visiting Hours: 7 am – 7 pm

Masking is optional for patients and staff within our facilities. South County Health’s Infection Prevention and Control team will continue to monitor the prevalence of COVID-19 and all respiratory viruses in the community and adjust this guideline as necessary to protect our staff, patients, and visitors.

General Visitation Guidelines

All visitors will continue to be screened and badged upon entry and should not visit if they are symptomatic.

Inpatients are allowed two (2) visitors in their room at a time and one may spend the night if the visitor is >18 years of age.

  • Visitors staying overnight must be able to independently care for themselves.

Patients who are seeking care in our Emergency Department will be allowed up to two (2) visitors/support persons to accompany them in the exam area.

Visitors may be limited to one (1) as per staff direction under certain circumstances (i.e procedures, treatments).

Surgical patients (admitted and outpatients) may have visitors in the surgical waiting area during the procedure.

The Women and Newborn Care Unit will accommodate two (2) persons to support a mother during labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum.

Patients visiting the Cancer Center, including Infusion, may have one (1) visitor/support person during their appointment.

Patients receiving end of life care may have visitors 24 hours a day.

Visitors are welcome to dine in the Hospital cafeteria and relax in common areas.

Visitation Guidelines for COVID-19 positive patients at South County Hospital

One visitor will be allowed at a time.

Visitor will be educated on the risk of exposure, importance of hand hygiene and wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Visitor of COVID-19 positive patient will have limited movement within the facility to only the patient’s room

Alternatives to visitation, such as video calls, are available