Throughout its history, South County Health has benefited from the generosity of many friends who have provided support through their bequests and other forms of planned or deferred gifts. Planned gift arrangements offer “win-win” structures that help you provide for the Hospital while advancing your own financial and personal objectives.

Bequests and other forms of planned or deferred gifts offer you a way to support South County Health in a way that makes financial sense for you. A planned or deferred gift is usually made with the assistance of a financial advisor and a development officer. Learn more about planned giving and its benefits below.

What is Planned Giving?

A planned or deferred gift is a type of charitable gift that requires some planning, usually with the assistance of a financial advisor and development officer. A donor may fund his or her gift with cash or other assets. When you create a planned gift, you potentially increase your income, reduce taxes, avoid capital gains tax, pass assets to family at a reduced tax cost, and make a substantial donation to a charity. Planned gifts include bequests, trusts, real estate, charitable gift annuities, and retirement assets.

Benefits of Planned Gifts: