We invite patients, visitors, and staff to say ‘Thank You’ for the care received at South County Health.

Take a moment to share your own appreciation through a simple thank you note, a nomination, or a gift of support.

"After a traumatic first birth 3 years ago in Florida, it was scary to imagine giving birth again. While everyone so far in the SCH group has been great, Samantha really made the difference in my birth going the way I wanted. She listened to our concerns and answered every question we had with compassion and kindness. I wish everyone could have a nurse like Samantha for every hospital visit— nobody would be scared of hospitals."

- Tayler

Patient Stories across South County Health

"After a traumatic first birth 3 years ago in Florida, it was scary to imagine giving birth again. While everyone so far in the SCH group has been great, Samantha really made the difference in my birth going the way I wanted. She listened to our concerns and answered every question we had with compassion and kindness. I wish everyone could have a nurse like Samantha for every hospital visit— nobody would be scared of hospitals."

"Abigail was my labor nurse and my nurse the first day I was postpartum. I was having my second baby and terrified. My baby was in a weird position and my induction wasn’t moving like I was expecting. Abigail helped me position for an optimal labor, got my baby to move, and was right there when I delivered a healthy baby. She calmed me down, gave incredible guidance, and was so knowledgeable during my entire experience. She made a nerve wrecking experience more empowering for me. During my first day postpartum, she continued to help guide me during the crucial new steps my husband and I were doing with a new baby. She was truly fantastic!" - Amy

"I had a procedure done on Tuesday, July 16th, with Dr. Schneider in Wakefield, and was quite nervous about the appointment, which I expressed to the woman who took me back to the exam room. She was delightful, attentive, and calm. After the visit, I heard my name as I walked down the hallway. She came around the corner to ask me three simple words that meant so much, "are you okay?". Her genuine care and concern felt reassuring and uplifting. In this time when people are too hurried by the next task or distracted by cell phones, she stopped what she was doing to find me and ask about me. Dr. Schneider was equally excellent. I have worked for 20 years in healthcare and always strive to provide exceptional customer service. As a patient, now on the other side, the office experience I encountered the other day is the standard I aim to deliver as a healthcare professional daily. I wish I could remember the name of the medical assistant who roomed me, but she was lovely, and I wanted to take a few minutes to acknowledge her." - Julie

"Lindsey is a soul that should not go unnoticed. Not only did she hold me while I cried she was constantly help me look forward to be a brighter day. She saw me through a very traumatic experience and continues to offer love and support after I have been home for two weeks. Lindsey was the first to introduce herself to my always filled room and share pieces of herself that made her a part of our family. Lindsey is the fairy god mother to myself and my twin baby girls." - Kiana

"I gave birth to my second child, Dorsey on April 18th at South County Hospital. It was a smooth delivery but I was admittedly very crippled with anxiety knowing that after he was born, I'd be starting another breastfeeding journey. With my first child, I took a breastfeeding course before she was born and while I was in labor the nurses assured me that breastfeeding would be easy for me. It turned out my daughter had a lip tie and from the first try, breastfeeding felt like knives cutting my skin. After a month, I gave up and exclusively pumped for a few more months. As trivial as it might seem, considering my daughter was okay and able to grow and eat just fine with formula, I felt like I failed her. Fast forward to April 18th, I was very nervous to try again. I wanted to be able to breastfeed more than anything. I had so much fear & anxiety about whether I was feeding him enough & if it was working. Unfortunately, he lost a lot of weight in the first few days which made me feel like it would not work out again. When I came into Beth's office, he was 4 days old & I had been to the pediatrician's office every day since discharge to get a weight on him. He was latching, but I was already supplementing with formula at the pediatrician's recommendation. Beth was immediately so receptive to hearing my experience & provided empathy and support. She gave me incredible pointers & listened and coached me to feed my child successfully. Three sessions later, my son has made incredible weight gain. I was so relieved when we weighed him to see that he was taking in so much milk. I can't thank Beth enough for helping me get to this point where I am now able to exclusively breastfeed my son. Being able to breastfeed is one of the most important accomplishments of my life. In each session, Beth was incredibly enthusiastic & reassuring. She is equally informative & supportive. She is an incredible person and professional and deserves celebration!" - Molly

"My wife Elisa and I would like to thank each and every staff member that recently helped and guided us through the amazing experience of welcoming our baby girl, Nora, to this world. From the second we arrived on the women’s wing at SCH to the moment we left, every single person we encountered was professional, caring and genuinely happy to answer our questions and assist us. We couldn’t be more pleased and grateful for the whole experience. My wife and I are both health professionals and can say that this is what a patient experience should be like. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the reassurance, love and support through the whole birthing process and for ensuring our little girl was safe, happy and healthy since the moment we got to meet her!!" - Bill

"Jen supported my wife and I through an unplanned induction and emergency C-section. She was supportive, knowledgeable, kind, and professional throughout the whole experience. She even stayed past the end of her shift and missed the chance to see the eclipse outside, in order to be there for us. She was one of the many helpful staff members that day, but I feel she went above and beyond to help us during a scary time!" - Trevor

"I would love to thank Dr. Colin Ireland in the ED for saving my son. He had gone to another hospital in the state twice for breathing difficulties. He was misdiagnosed both times. The staff at South County Health really listened! Dr. Ireland and his team heard our story and sent my son directly for imaging. I think we only spent about an hour total in the South County Health Emergency Department before being transferred to a more specialized facility in Boston. Thank you Dr. Ireland and your team, and thank you South County Hospital, for the amazing care you gave my son." - Lorraine

"I wanted to take this time to express my sincere appreciation for the ED Overnight Staff. As someone who works collaboratively with the Hospital to provide psychiatric assessments, I always feel welcomed and an important member of the team in order to provide the best patient care. They go out of their way during difficult times to provide support and debrief. This type of care does not go unnoticed. Thank you!"

"I had visited the ED at SC Hosp last week. I suffer from severe anxiety and fear being at any doctors office. Julie was my nurse that day and I could not have felt any more lucky. Not only was she kind, caring, compassionate, and understanding, she was an angel. Every single Doctor, tech, nurse, etc that day went above and beyond with kindness and compassion. Julie deserves an award and then some. Thank you so much Julie for your care and your hard work and dedication. The world needs more Julie’s." - Kristen

"I have to start by saying I am a nurse, and I was blown away by Caroline. At the end of September, my father was in and out of the hospital, and he was found to need a pacemaker. After receiving the pacemaker, he was doing okay. But around the end of October, we found him having difficulty walking and holding items. My mom had a planned surgery for October 23, and while we were there, my dad developed a headache. After some convincing, he agreed to be seen in the ER, and we came across Caroline.

My nurse-gut told me something was wrong, and she listened to me and helped in every way she could to get him the assessment he needed. We found out that he had a bilateral brain bleed, and we were shipped off to a bigger hospital. As we were waiting, she came back to check on us, and she held my hand as I took a second to cry. Then, she gave me the confidence to push on and get my dad the help he needed. I will be forever grateful for her." - Samantha

"The ER nurses and the Borda-1 nurses and support staff were angels. I cannot say enough good things about their skill level, compassion, attentiveness and professionalism. They were equally concerned with my physical and emotional well-being. They protected my dignity, as well as my health. The nursing/support staff are a critical component to the functioning of the hospital. They are the cornerstone that makes it run with competence and compassion. My sincere thanks to Diana, Justine, Lycia, Lindsay, Amanda and the Borda-1 nurses. Kat and Grisel – CNA/support staff. If I missed anyone, I apologize because the entire team treated me as they would have treated their mom. Much gratitude and appreciation." - Deb

"I came in with a suspected UTI and was very embarrassed. Miranda answered all of my questions and did not make me feel silly for asking them, and made sure I left feeling a lot better mentally than I had when I came in. She was very kind, professional, and personable." - Anonymous Patient

"I recently had a colonoscopy at SCH. My Admitting Nurse, Jess, Technician, Kayla, Discharge Nurse, Colin, my Gastroenterologist, Dr. Morris Elevado and your entire surgical team, including your volunteer staff, did an amazing job. The entire team made me feel very comfortable and provided me with great service. They each demonstrated great care as well as incredible expertise while caring for me today." -

"My mother recently passed away of natural causes on 8/26 at age 87. However, during the 2023 year, she spent 18 nights in South County hospital for a variety of reasons: 2 UTIs, Covid-19, pneumonia, and a serious fall. I visited her every day for every visit, and got to see firsthand the great care provided by the ER team, as well as the main hospital. In my opinion, as well as the opinion of my mother, we felt South County hospital provided excellent care. Thanks to all that come to work every day to support the community."

"Due to my parents age (in their 90’s) South County has become a 2nd home. On occasion we were forced to go to other hospitals in RI but nothing comes close to the care that the staff at SC gives. It’s remarkable!!! We never look forward to our hospital visits but always super relieved we can go to SC!!!! They are simply the best!!!! Thank you for all you do!!!!"

"Dr. Brady took the time to sit and talk to me about all of my medical conditions and his concerns for me during surgery. Fortunately, I have been cleared for surgery and look forward to taking care of the problem. This is a Doctor with real bedside manner which is a rarity."

"Just reviewed your thorough Operative Report. I think with a little practice I could conduct one of these procedures myself! Seriously, I wish to express my kudos to you and the South County Hospital staff that made my procedural visit almost a pleasure.

Starting with the volunteer and check-in staff, one couldn’t have met a more kind, courteous and efficient group." - Ed

"Starting with my first office visit with you, I was left with confidence in the manner in which you laid out the whole plan and procedure. I am thankful to Dr. Gonzalez’s recommendation. I was of the feeling that I am now in the hands of two good physicians in terms of my hernia. This was again reinforced as I laid on the gurney and you went through the steps of the procedure in detail. The Anesthesiologist was equally thorough. I want to single out a few people in particular for their proficiency and kind and care demeaner. Michaela was so very pleasant and attentive with great professional attention to detail. The nurse in recovery whose name escapes me was also very kind and attentive. She came over to see that everything was OK in the discharge area and that the male nurse there was taking good care of me. He too was very thorough, attentive and friendly.

Last, but not of least importance was the manner in which ALL treated my wife Dorothy with respect and kindness. Many hospitals have the policy…drop the patient at the front door and we will call you and the patient will be at the curb for pick-up. Not at SCH." -

"Lexi was absolutely amazing while my mother was in the ICU. She made sure to keep me informed and explained everything that was happening. At a very difficult time for our family she made sure to keep my mother and our family’s best interests in the forefront often advocating for what was in her and our best interest. We just want to say thank you Lexie for all your hard work, knowledge and expertise and most importantly for advocating for your patients and their families." - Jennie

"I was in the hospital recently, and while I’m fine now, the place that I stayed in, was like a hotel. It was beautiful. The people that worked there were more beautiful than the room that I was in. And my wife loved it so much that today right now she’s in there as we both have pneumonia. But I know that she’s in a good spot. The people that are there are terrific. So I want to thank you and the people who work there. And now my wife will know, what it’s all about and I’m sure she’s going to think the same way. God Bless you."

"Lawrence in the EEG department was phenomenal. Such a kind young man, he was able to answer all my questions and put me at ease before doing the test. He is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about what he does."

"Had a THA w/Dr. Kay on 8/1, with outpatient stay. Seems strange to rave about a hospital stay, but it was the best experience I think anyone could have, if this surgery is necessary. From pre-admission to admission day and communication in between, my experience was totally positive. From cleaning aides to my surgeon, you all couldn’t have been nicer or more professional. Thank you for a good experience during an anxious time!!"

"Having a revision on my hip, I was apprehensive about surgery. All the nurses and staff were wonderful, one nurse in particular Meagan Griffin who was with me the first and last day went well above and beyond. She answered all my questions and made me feel very comfortable. When I was getting released, Meagan was there to hurry me along even wheeling me to my car because there was no available transport." - Madeline

"I arrived at Pre-Op on 6/19/24 for Bilateral total knee arthroplasties literally shaking with fear & had the dreadful feeling I was not going to survive the surgery. Within 30 minutes of meeting Barbara, she had somehow calmed all my fears and reassured me they would take care of me & not to worry. She is angelic in her nursing talents and also felt like a "PATIENT WHISPERER" to me. She is beyond kind and compassionate in her abilities to treat patients. Also, would you please tell her I will NEVER forget her & thank you, since I went to sleep without having had that chance. Thank you."

"This is the best visit I have had in years. I finally feel I have a primary care provider (Julie Carroll, AGNP) that genuinely cares. I have already recommended her to anyone in need of a good PCP."

"Dr. Brian Pickett, who is part of the South County Health Organization, is an outstanding physician and is both my mother's primary care physician and mine, as well. I attribute Dr. Pickett in keeping my 95 and a half year old mother in the very best health possible, with his knowledge and advice and care, and also, by having recommended an excellent Cardiologist for her. Regarding myself, his vigilance, foresight and advice, has most likely saved my life, down the road, by following up with tests and recommending an excellent Endocrinologist and Surgeon. Dr. Pickett is very professional, yet very personable, and he takes the time to discuss and explain any questions or concerns in a caring and knowledgeable manner. He is the very best Primary Care Physician that anyone could ever hope and wish to have as their doctor. I would highly recommend him to everyone. We love Dr. Pickett. He is a wonderful person and doctor!!!" - Donna

"Good morning! Dr. Ogni surpasses any previous doctor I've had. She goes beyond the call of duty, taking the time to genuinely connect with you, engaging in conversations about life before diving into her professional responsibilities. Her kindness and genuine concern for your well-being shine through, as evidenced by the morning and evening check-ins I received during a recent crisis, lasting almost two weeks. Dr. Ogni truly invests herself in getting to know you, ensuring you're never just a number or a mere patient. Her exceptional traits distinguish her from any other doctor I've encountered in my 47 years. I was so impressed that I followed her from one practice to her current one, and I'd do it again if she were to relocate. Your practice is privileged to have such a smart, caring, conscientious, selfless, and passionate individual on board. I am forever grateful that Dr. Ogni is my doctor and a valued part of my life." - Christopher

"Erica Ogni is the absolute BEST! It took me 50 years to find her and I would cry if she stopped practicing. She remembers me when she sees me, I feel like she truly cares about my wellbeing. I followed her guidelines more than any other provider we ever seen. I'm even using the nasal spray that I hate if I moved an hour away I would still go to her. I wish I could get my husband to switch to her." - Kristen

"By far the friendliest staff I have ever encountered at any medical facility. The receptionist was an absolute sweetheart, the nurse was a delight to talk to, and Julie was a pleasure walking me through my first physical in 16 years and helping guide my attention to what areas of my overall health need the most attention and allowed me to feel heard and understood. Couldn't be happier that I've made Julie and South County Health my primary care." - David

"In my 80 years of visits with physicians, I would definitely rate Dr. Caporaso as the very best and the top 1 percent in his profession! Outstanding in all respects!! The care I received for my annual physical exam was very thorough! Dr. Caporaso conducted a comprehensive exam, reviewing all my past medical issues and ensuring all my prescriptions were adequate and up to date!" - Edward

"I would like to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to the SC Pulmonary Rehab Team! I participated in their 8-week program following a lengthy hospitalization and recovery. I feel the program and staff provided me with essential tools and tips to assist me with getting back to my baseline. The team there (Maggie, Matt and Chuck) we always kind, thoughtful and provided encouragement each and every session. I feel the rehab program has jumpstarted my recovery and I’m closer to having my life back. Maggie communicated with my physician and provided some great ideas to help me deal with the symptoms I’ve been experiencing. My physician was able to order the necessary medications and/or equipment to excel my recovery as well. The team provided a helpful packet with handouts. I still refer back to this info each week. The team works collaboratively and always throws some humor into the situation. I highly recommend the program and want to say Thank You to the rehab team. I am beyond grateful."

"I was admitted from ER with a new onset irregular heartbeat atrial fibrillation /tachycardia. Jess was my nurse 2/24-2/25 on evenings /nights frost 2 rm.215.. Jess introduced herself with such a caring attitude. She was very knowledgeable of my condition and confident in her responses to my questions, giving me reassurance that I was in the right place and in capable hands! I know she had other patients to care for, but she communicated to me that at that moment I had her full attention! She gave a very thorough assessment Jess explained everything that was taking place in a calm manner. I needed a pain medication. She got the doctors order promptly. when she passed by my door, she always acknowledged me with a smile and asked if I needed anything. Jess is caring, truly dedicated nurse. She truly practices the art of nursing. and is a valuable member of South County Hospital's team of dedicated professionals. Nurses are the backbone of the hospital., they can make things get done in an efficient, smooth manner. Thank you, Jess and the rest, of the staff who cared for me during my stay." - Jennie

"I have been using South County Urology for over 20 years and 2 prostate cancers and I am still “moving along”.

"I am writing to all of you to share my thoughts about my recent and very positive experience at South County Hospital. On Tuesday, May 7, I underwent an Aquablation procedure by Dr. Arnie Sarazen, and was subsequently admitted for an overnight stay on Frost 3. From the moment that I entered your facility at 05:45 am to the minute that I walked out the front door on Wednesday the 8th, I was treated with kindness, respect and warmth. Mr. Barlow, one of your volunteers, greeted me cheerfully, and escorted me to a waiting area. My nurse in pre-op, Eileen, was wonderful. She is cheerful, efficient and competent. Jon Cornwell CRNA babysat me during the procedure, and I met with him and Henry Cabrera in the preop area. His easy manner inspires confidence. I was pre-medicated, and remember being wheeled toward the OR; the next thing I can remember is waking up in recovery. I obviously met the OR crew, but have no recollection of doing so (thanks to amnestic anesthesia). I can only hope that I was well behaved… While on Frost 3, I met folks from three separate nursing shifts: Jess 1, Jess 2, Kathia, Lauren, Cat, Luis and Sydney. Every single person was concerned, attentive and friendly; they all made me feel CARED FOR, despite the fact that they were busy and responsible for multiple patients. Dr. Sarazen and Julie PA popped in between cases to check on me.
I would like to have each of these folks know how much I appreciated their concern and devotion to the craft of patient care. Kudos to you all for a well-run, efficient venue that obviously still values the patient." - Dr. Cote

Read Dr. Cote's Story

"Dr. Sarazen is a tremendous professional of the highest integrity. He has been my urologist for over 24 years & he was instrumental in discovering my kidney cancer in 2003. He very well could have saved my life as I tried to persuade him that I didn't need it, as it had been (CT scan & cystoscopy) negative in previous episode of hematoma a few years earlier." - Richard

"Attended a program given by Drs. Johnson and Sarazen in Westerly. Excellent presentation and I had a chance to speak to Dr. Sarazen on my appointment. I like and trust Dr. Sarazen completely." - Ted

Read John's Story

Patient Stories